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Like a good friend, this is a book to take your time with. It has been a week now since I’ve finished NAKED AND UNASHAMED, and I am still meditating on its lessons. I will go back and re-read certain sections, and some I want to read aloud with my husband.

The book’s language and tone is so much like a very bright and compassionate friend who speaks without reservation and with wise compassion. Grounded in the Word, the book guides one through the rocky road of sexuality and marriage and family to an intensely personal and spiritual place. Despite the momentary distraction of three different voices speaking in the book (interesting from a Trinitarian point of view), those three distinct voices of experience in NAKED AND UNASHAMED provide rich and comprehensive guidance, offering wisdom for those contemplating marriage all the way through to those in a mature marriage.

My husband and I will celebrate 22 years together this summer, and I found that the book spoke to me with new insights and practical measures to improve my marriage, which is quite exciting! As a gardener, the book’s exploration and use of the Bible’s image of marriage as a walled garden really spoke to me. A garden, no matter how old or new, needs weeds pulled, occasional fertilizing, dead plants removed and new and interesting varieties tried out. Thank you, Claudia, Jerry and Jeremy for your honesty and courage to write this book!

If you’re interested in reading it yourself, here’s a link to purchase it: NAKED AND UNASHAMED.


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