“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts”
from William Shakespeare‘s As You Like It, in Act II Scene VII.
What a rich heritage we have in the works of William Shakespeare (or credited to him, at any rate)! Today, April 23, has been designated by Mayor Rahm Immanuel as “Talk Like Shakespeare Day” for it was on this day 448 years ago that Shakespeare was born.
(See his proclamation: http://www.talklikeshakespeare.org/res/Proclamation_2012.pdf )
So, in honor of the great contribution Shakespeare has made to the English language and to shaping our thoughts and ideals, “Brush up your Shakespeare! Start quoting him, now!”
For more info and ideas about celebrating the day, go to:
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